Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Blog Virgin

Being the blog virgin that I am…please be patient. I decided to start this after telling some great stories of my amazingly cute 4 year old at our recent family get together. Of course, my sister in-laws that are already bloggers, and MUCH better and FUNNIER than I am, were the ones to suggest this and I’m glad they did. I would never have considered this. These stories need to be recorded, not only the countless ones of my 4 yr old, but others of my family. So here I am. This will be a journal of sorts of the comings and goings of our crazy family. To explain my blogs name "Boy Trapped", I am a mom surrounded by BOYS. We have 5 ranging from 20 to 4. I LOVE being a mom to boys, even though I’m still trying to figure them out!

So, here is my first story I’m going to share that includes my 4 year old. I have decided that he has created his own fantasy world. He lives in pretend land more than reality. For a while his best friend was a golf club that he HAD to take EVERYWHERE, including church! He would talk to it, play with it, and even buckle it in a seat belt. Well, right now he is into “Super”. He’s a “Super” hero, “Super” strong, “Super” big etc. Awhile ago I was in the laundry room working when he jumps down the 2 stairs into the room and announces, “I’m here to save you mom”. Keep in mind, he now has his “Superman, Batman” reversible cape on, Iron man pj’s, along with socks on his hands that are of course magic and snow boots! So I look at him and ask him, “Ok, where are we going”, and he responds with out blinking an eye, “to Walmart silly”. So I take his hand and we run around the house for a few minutes while he kills all the “bad guys”.

Carsen has truly been sent to us to keep our house full of sweetness!


  1. YAY!! I'm so glad you're doing this! We talked about Carsen at dinner last night (at yummy -in-the-tummy Chuck a Rama in St. George, no less!)and decided he's pretty much the cutest little blondie EVER!

    You're going to enjoy blogging (at least I hope you do, because then we'll get to enjoy it, too!) Put up pix of your dancers and your missionary and your cute prom-goers and everything else! And keep the stories coming, Jen!

  2. FUN Jen. You will be a great blogger. I do it mostly for the reason of documenting stories and events such as these! It's like a journal, that I guess we're allowing everyone to read?. I've now had a blog for about a year and a half and am barely thinking about having it printed out and made into a book. I think it would be cool to have for family "history". Anyway if your interested I heard of a website called Blurb.com? I'm still figuring it out. ANyways...CUTE cute pics

  3. YAAY!!! Welcome to the blogging world! Not to be confused with the clogging world ;) I'm a slacker at updating my blog sometimes, but when I keep up with it I love it! There is nothing better than looking back on a year full of posts and realizing how blessed you are. And of course it is lots of fun to blog stalk! Love ya!

  4. Cute story, sister! I love that kid! I guess you decided to not venture south this weekend? The weather is going to stink anyway! Come soon though! Love ya!

  5. Um...DeNae? I guess Harley is just chopped liver? LOL

    Do you take requests? I want the "wall putting Carsen to bed" story next.

    Oh my gosh, he's adorable! He's the first baby I ever saw Tavis interact with...swoon!
